.. _install_sandboxes_tls_inspector: TLS Inspector Listener Filter ============================= .. sidebar:: Requirements .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst :ref:`curl <start_sandboxes_setup_curl>` Used to make ``HTTP`` requests. :ref:`jq <start_sandboxes_setup_jq>` Parse ``json`` output from the upstream echo servers. This example demonstrates how the ``TLS`` inspector can be used to select ``FilterChains`` to distribute the traffic between upstream clusters according to the matched ``transport_protocol`` and/or ``application_protocols``. It also demonstrates the admin statistics generated by the ``TLS`` inspector listener filter. Step 1: Build the sandbox ************************* Change directory to ``examples/tls-inspector`` in the Envoy repository, and bring up the services. This starts one proxy listening on ``localhost:10000``, and with an admin interface listening on port 12345. It also starts three upstream ``HTTP`` services that echo back received headers in ``json`` format. The first 2 services are ``HTTPS`` services listening on port ``443`` and the other has no ``TLS`` and listens on port ``80``. .. code-block:: console $ pwd envoy/examples/tls-inspector $ docker compose pull $ docker compose up --build -d $ docker compose ps Name Command State Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tls-inspector_service-http_1 docker-entrypoint.sh node ... Up tls-inspector_service-https-http1.1_1 docker-entrypoint.sh node ... Up tls-inspector_service-https-http2_1 docker-entrypoint.sh node ... Up tls-inspector_tls-inspector_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp,>12345/tcp Step 2: Access services *********************** Querying the service at port 10000 with a different HTTP version specified over TLS, or with HTTP protocol without TLS, the requests will be handled by different upstream services. Query the proxy with ``HTTP1.1`` and ``TLS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk --http1.1 https://localhost:10000 | jq '.os.hostname' "service-https-http1.1" The upstream ``service-https-http1.1`` handles the request. Query the proxy with ``HTTP2`` and ``TLS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk --http2 https://localhost:10000 | jq '.os.hostname' "service-https-http2" The upstream ``service-https-http2`` handles the request. Query the proxy with no ``TLS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk http://localhost:10000 | jq '.os.hostname' "service-http" The upstream ``service-http`` handles the request. Since TLS Inspector listener filter detects the transport is plaintext, it will not set transport_protocol to ``TLS``. Step 3: View the admin statistics ********************************* TLS inspector has a statistics tree rooted at ``tls_inspector``, which can be extracted with the admin access entrypoint configured. .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk http://localhost:12345/stats |grep tls_inspector tls_inspector.alpn_found: 2 tls_inspector.alpn_not_found: 0 tls_inspector.client_hello_too_large: 0 tls_inspector.connection_closed: 0 tls_inspector.read_error: 0 tls_inspector.sni_found: 2 tls_inspector.sni_not_found: 0 tls_inspector.tls_found: 2 tls_inspector.tls_not_found: 1 Viewing the admin statistics we can see that ``TLS``, ``SNI`` and ``ALPN`` are all detected since we access services twice via ``HTTP`` over ``TLS``. It also shows one ``tls_not_found`` from the plaintext query.